E-Bike Incentive Project Eligibility - Who is eligible for an e-bike incentive?

California residents 18 years or older….
We verify residency using your current, valid California Driver’s License, California AB 60 License, or California ID Card.

...with a qualifying household income of 300% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) or less...
Gross annual household income will be calculated and used to determine eligibility during the income verification portion of the application process.

…who complete our online application…
This process, which includes residency verification, income verification and education/safety training requirements, may take up to 60 days depending on the speed at which steps are completed by applicants and program processing times.

…and receive an approval notification via email.
You must receive an approval notification with your incentive voucher PRIOR TO purchasing your e-bike. Purchases made before receiving these will not be eligible for the incentive.
Voucher Process
1. Complete each step of the online application to complete the voucher process
2. Receive your approval notification via email
3. The voucher process requires that you find an approved California e-bike retailer
4. Decide which e-bike is right for you
5. Complete online program education requirements
6. Redeem your e-bike incentive voucher
7. Participate in follow-up surveys
8. Last but not least, enjoy your new e-bike!